Atazio FMB
2017 | Oldenburg NA | Aliano / Amiro / Wandersmann xx / Trapper
Atazio FMB is a handsome and strong Champion Oldenburg NA colt by Aliano out of our Premium Oldenburg mare, Alexis (Amiro / Wandersmann xx / Trapper). Atazio is full brother to Aragon FMB (2013), Arzio FMB (2015), Ariano FMB (2016), and Auguste FMB (2018). He is a bright red bay, just like his brother Aragon FMB. Atazio has a lovely wide blaze and two hind socks. Atazio displays the super movement and temperament that has made this repeat breeding a success. Atazio was sold in-utero.
Atazio’s imported Holsteiner sire, Aliano, was in Grand Prix Dressage training and has competed successfully up to the Intermediare I level. Aliano comes from the famous STAMM 318D2, which has a strong reputation in breeding and sport. It is the direct motherline of the stallions Corofino I and II, Diorado, Diarado among many others. Atazio’s dam, Alexis, is a Premium Oldenburg mare who scored 9’s at her Mare Performance Test. She is 16.3hh and a beautiful black/dark bay with three socks and an interesting blaze. Alexis is a very kind, forgiving mother who’s laid back temperament and unflappable attitude is passed onto her foals.

Atazio’s dam sire is the Dutch Warmblood stallion, Amiro by Ramiro Z. Imported from Holland, Amiro was USDF Champion at 4th level, and BC Advanced Level Reserve Champion in 1990. In 1991 he was Reserve Champion at Spruce Meadows and qualified for the Pan American Games Canadian Team, qualifying with every test he performed in 1991. He was long-listed for the Canadian Dressage Team and was rated among the top 10 advanced dressage horses in Canada. In 1995 Amiro was presented to the Oldenburg NA and was the winner of that approval, based on his performance in dressage. All of his foals that were presented went premium. Amiro was well known and loved for his friendly, willing temperament. He stamped his get with his fabulous attitude and his fluid, powerful, correct movement.

Information Coming Soon.
Tanya D.
(Scroll above through the various videos of Atazio FMB)